After following the recommendations and timeframe of various Federal, State and local authorities (including the CDC, American Association of Orthodontists, American Dental Association, County Department of Public Health among others) to temporarily close our office, we are now reopening in a controlled manner and gradually resuming our operations to the extent that the situation allows. We will be limiting certain types of procedures, and staggering patients to maximize social distancing. We will be screening for symptoms upon arrival and restricting entrance and access to only include the patient and ONE accompanying parent.
In addition to our normal measures of strict cleanliness and infection control, we are taking the following additional measures:
- Intake screening questionnaire
- Addition of two High Efficiency (HEPA H-13) air filtration units in the office
- Temperatures of all patients will be taken
- Patients-only in the office except for initial check-in and check-out (wait outside or in car)
- Procedurally-based staff use of masks, face shields, and goggles
- Higher frequency of disinfecting all common areas and door handles and countertops
- Suspending all distribution of water bottles
- Removal of reception area magazines and books
- Suspension of electronic check-in process
- Removal of game and entertainment devices
- Closure of our restrooms
- Suspension of our tooth brushing station (PLEASE brush at home before coming to your appointment!)
What To Expect At Your Appointment:
- Patient and ONE parent only may enter the office
- Pre-screening and temperature will be taken upon entry
- Parent will wait outside or in the car during the appointment – no waiting in the office
- Tooth Brushing station will be CLOSED
- Restrooms will be CLOSED
Preparation BEFORE Your Appointment:
- Brush and floss at home BEFORE your appointment (Tooth Brushing station will be CLOSED!)
- Use the restroom BEFORE your appointment (Restrooms will be CLOSED)
- Please bring your own pen to use to fill our screening paperwork
- Please notify us ahead of time if any broken brackets!! (this requires more time AND special setup and if not prepared, we will have to reschedule the appointment)
Please know that we are doing our best to ensure the health and safety of our patients and staff. If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office at (858) 433-7377. We are confident that through cooperation and working together, we will safely get through this together! Although things will be a little different for at least a little while, please be assured that we will continue to provide the same level of care and customer service that you have come to expect at Gilmore Orthodontics.
Dr. G and Staff